Archive of Book Reviews
Forthcoming publications
“Théorie microfondationaliste du gouvernement” (translated by Raphaël Künstler), in Compagnon sur l'ontologie sociale, edited by Raphaël Künstler (Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, in process)
“Methodological individualism and methodological localism: A discussion with Daniel Little,” conducted by Francesco Di Iorio and Nathalie Bulle, The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism , edited by Francesco Di Iorio and Nathalie Bulle (Palgrave, forthcoming)
Review: Diane Vaughan, Dead Reckoning: Air Traffic Control, System Effects, and Risk in International Sociology Reviews (forthcoming)
“Ontology of causation,” Detecting Causation , edited by Fedra Negri and Alessia Damonte (Springer Nature, 2023)
“Vinten's Sociological Wittgenstein,” Cosmo + Taxis (2023)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Can critical realists embrace ontological individualism?”, The Metametaphysics of Social Ontology (organized by Raphaël Künstler, Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès), January 11-12, 2023
“Mental frameworks, morality, and social-psychological mechanisms: Discussion of Turowetz-Hollander on Milgram”, Social Psychology and the Holocaust 2023 (organized by Raphaël Künstler, Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès), June 1-2, 2023
“Confronting evil in history,” Social Psychology and the Holocaust 2023 (organized by Raphaël Künstler, Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès), June 1-2, 2023
“Rethinking Ontological Individualism,” ANPOSS 2023 Keynote (Bangkok, June 22-25, 2023)
“Philosophy, the Humanities and the Social Sciences,” Faculty of Arts and Department of Philosophy, International Arts Talk XIX Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, June 2023
“Revisiting methodological individualism,” Workshop on Methodological Individualism (organized by Francesco Di Iorio and Nathalie Bulle at Sorbonne, Paris), July 6-7, 2023
“Testing Analytical Sociology on Problems of Contentious Politics”, International Sociological Association, XX ISA World Conference, Melbourne (2023)
A New Social Ontology of Government: Consent, Coordination, and Authority (Foundations of Government and Public Administration) (Palgrave Pivot, 2020)
“Are organizations adaptive?”, Social Functions: Their metaphysics, explanatory power, and normative dimension, edited by Rebekka Hufendiek, Daniel James, and Raphael van Riel (Routledge, 2020)
“University leadership for inclusion and engagement”, Philosophy for the Real World: An Introduction to Field Philosophy with Case Studies and Practical Strategies, edited by Robert Frodeman and Evelyn Brister (Routledge, 2020)
Conference papers and invited papers
“New contributions to the philosophy of history,” Institute of Historical Research, University of London (December 2020)
“Can ABM models accommodate supra-individual causal factors?”, EEA Boston, NYC Computational Economics & Complexity Workshop, February 2020
“New thinking about mechanisms,” Conference on Mechanisms and Black Boxes, Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies,” University of Milan, January 2020
“Causation in the Social Realm,” Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies, University of Milan, January 2020
“Meanings and mechanisms: An actor-centered approach to historical explanation”, Explanation in Action Theory and Historiography: Causal and Teleological Approaches, edited by Gunnar Schumann (Routledge, 2019)
“Positivism” and “Post-positivism”, SAGE Research Methods Foundations, edited by Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Richard Williams and Alex Cernat (SAGE, 2019)
“Heterogeneity, plasticity, and mechanisms: Comments on Olsen”, Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, edited by Attilia Ruzzene (Bloomsbury, 2019)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Organizations as Actors,” Asian Conference for Philosophy of Social Science, Nankai University, June 2019
“Social Ontology and Scientific Realism,” School of Philosophy, Nankai University, June 2019
“Organizational Causes of Large Technology Failures,” School of Political Science, Nankai University, June 2019
“Ontology of Causation,” School of Political Science, University of Milan, February 2019
“Rational Plans of Life,” Ruhr University Bochum, January 2019
“Can Organizations Think?,” Foundations in Social Science – Mechanisms, Actions, Functions, University of Duisburg-Essen, January 2019
“Generativity and Emergence,” Philosophy Institute, University of Duisburg-Essen, January 2019
“Rational life plans?”, The Mystery of Rationality: Mind, Beliefs and Social Science, edited by Gérald Bronner and Francesco Di Iorio (Springer, 2018)
“Entangling the Social: Comments on Alexander Wendt, Quantum Mind and Social Science”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (2018)
“Historians in a world of complexity”, De Filosoof, Utrecht University Department of Philosophy (2018)
Review: Juan Wang, Sinews of State Power in China in Journal of Chinese Political Science (2018)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Generativity and Emergence,” School of Political Science, University of Milan, June 2018
“Disaggregating Historical Explanation: The Move to Social Mechanisms,” Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Mechanisms edited by Phyllis Illari and Stuart Glennan (2017)
“Microfoundations,” The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science, edited by Lee McIntyre (2017)
“Sociological Perspectives on Social Structure”, Cambridge Handbook of Sociology, edited by Kathleen Odell Korgen, (2017)
“Calibrating the utility of rational choice institutionalism,” Sociologica (2017)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Hate-based mobilization in the extreme right,” Social Science History Association, Montreal, November 2017
“Historical foundations of the social sciences,” American Sociological Association, Montreal, July 2017
Plenary Session on Theory and Explanation After Positivism, Beyond Positivism: Theory, Methods, and Values in Social Science Conference, Montreal, July 2017
“Response to commentators,” book panel on New Contributions to the Philosophy of Social Science, EuropeanNetwork for the Philosophy of Social Science, Krakow, September 2017
New Directions in the Philosophy of Social Science (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016)
“Character and historical interpretation,” Questions of Character, edited by Iskra Fileva. Oxford University Press (2016)
“Contribution to Sand and Water,” Sand and Water, edited by Robert Pledge (2016)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Actors and Actions Reconsidered,” Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexico City, August 2016
“Actors and Actions,” International Sociological Association, Vienna, July 2016
“Social Reform and Radical Change,” Indian National Law School University, Bangalore, April 2016
“Social Ontology and Realism,” Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai, April 2016
“Supervenience and the Social World,” Metodo (2015)
“Guiding and modelling quality improvement in higher education institutions,” Quality in Higher Education 21:3 (2015)
"Fallibilism and Ontology in Tuukka Kaidesoja's Critical Realist Social Ontology," Journal of Social Ontology (2015)
"Mechanisms and Method," Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45:4-5 (2015)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Social Ontology: Heterogeneity, Plasticity, and Contingency,” Second Biannual Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Group in India, Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai (by Skype), December 2015
“Fissioning Community,” Second Biannual Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Group in India, Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai (by Skype), December 2015
“Fissioning Community,” Social Science History Association, Baltimore, November 2015
“Jon Elster and the social sciences,” Claudio Lopez-Guerra and Julia Maskivker, eds. Democracy, Rationality and Justice. Cambridge University Press (2014)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Critical Realism for Historical Social Science,” Social Science History Association, Toronto, November 2014
“Causal Mechanisms and Social Science Methodology,” European Network for Philosophy of Social Science annual meeting, Madrid, September 2014
“Methodological Innovations in the Eurasian Project in Family and Population,” American Sociological Association, August 2014
“Causal Powers and Social Mechanisms,” Finnish Center for Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Helsinki University, June 2014
“Meso-level Social Mechanisms,” Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm University, June 2014
“Disaggregating Historical Explanation: The Move to Social Mechanisms in the Philosophy of History,” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, July 1, 2013. Invited discussion article. (2013)
“Philosophy of History,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, Byron Kaldis, ed. (Sage, 2013)
“Microfoundationalism,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, Byron Kaldis, ed. (Sage, 2013)
Review: Geoff Boucher, Understanding Marxism in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2013)
Review: Hilary Putnam and Vivian Walsh, eds. The End of Value-Free Economics in The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (2013)
Conference papers and invited papers
“A Twinge of Ethnocentrism in The Measure of Civilization,” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 2013
“Rural Transition in China: What Do We Need to Know?”, International Conference on Rural Change and the Peasant, Central China Normal University, May 2013 (published in conference proceedings)
“Social Issues in China’s Rural-to-Urban Transition,” Department of Economics and Management, Central China Normal University, May 2013
“Justice Matters in Economic Development,” Xuchang University, Henan, May 2013
“Character in History,” Character Workshop, Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, May 2013
“More challenges for social mechanisms,” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, August 6, 2012. Invited discussion article. (2012)
“Analytical Sociology and the Rest of Sociology,” Sociologica (2012)
“Responses to Commentators on Analytical Sociology and the Rest of Sociology,” Sociologica (2012)
“Explanatory Autonomy and Coleman’s Boat,” Theoria (2012)
“Social Mechanisms and Scientific Realism: Discussion of ‘Mechanistic Explanation in Social Contexts’ by Johannes Persson”, Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, February 9, 2012. Invited discussion article. (2012)
“Philosophy of History,” Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy, Duncan Pritchard, ed. New York: Oxford University Press (2012)
Global Economic Justice, Philosophers for Change, February 6, 2012
Review: Ho-Fung Hung, Protest with Chinese Characteristics in Contemporary Sociology (2012)
Review: Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds. Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics in Journal of Economic Methodology (2012)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Actor-centered Sociology,” workshop on methodological individualism, University of Copenhagen, November 2012
“New Perspectives on the Philosophy of History,” Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen, November 2012
“Beyond Divergence: Debates about China’s Economic History,” Tsinghua University, August 2012
“Social Mechanisms and Meso-level Causes,” plenary paper, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, University of Stirling, July 2012
“Actor-centered Sociology,” Erasmus University, Rotterdam, May 2012
“Causal Mechanisms in the Social Sciences,” Erasmus University, Rotterdam, May 2012
“Disaggregating Historical Explanation: The Move to Social Mechanisms,” Society for the Philosophy of History, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division (April 2012)
“Causal Mechanisms in the Social Realm,” Causality in the Sciences, Phyllis Illari, Federica Russo, Jon Williamson (eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2011)
“Political Power and Social Class,” SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Jésus Zamora and Ian Jarvie, eds. (2011)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Consolidated Quantitative History,” Social Science History Association, Boston, November, 2011
“Justice Matters in Global Economic Development,” Beijing Forum 2011, Peking University, November, 2011; also presented at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
“Explaining the Social World: Mechanisms, Processes and Agency,” keynote paper, Causality and Explanation in the Sciences conference, University of Ghent, September, 2011
“Pathways of Social Aggregation,” Aggregation Dynamics of multi-Level Actor Constellations conference, University of Bremen, June, 2011
New Contributions to the Philosophy of History (Springer, Methodos Series, 2010)
The Future of Diversity: Academic Leaders Reflect on American Higher Education (Future of Minority Studies), edited by Daniel Little and Satya Mohanty (Palgrave, 2010)
“Methodological Individualism,” Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Mark Bevier, ed. (Sage, 2010)
“Action in History and Social Science,” A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, Constantine Sandis & Tim O'Connor, eds. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
“Philosophy of Sociology,” Philosophy of the Special Sciences. Fritz Allhoff, ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
“Institutions, Inequality and Well-being: Distributive Determinants of Rural Development”, Capabilities, Power, and Institutions: Toward a More Critical Development Ethics. Stephen Esquith, ed. (Penn State Press, 2010)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Power and Class in the 21st Century,” invited contribution to 20th anniversary program, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, October, 2010
“New Contributions to the Philosophy of History,” paper, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, October, 2010
“New Contributions to the Philosophy of History,” workshop, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October, 2010
“Zomia and Burma: Alternative Approaches to Southeast Asian History,” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 2010
“’Making’ the Future: The Scope and Limits of Social Change,” keynote presentation, Future of Minority Studies, Cornell University, July 2010
“David Crocker’s Development Ethics,” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics,” Cincinnati, March 2010
“Skinner’s Spatial Imagination,” Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, March 2010
“The Heterogeneous Social,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Philosophical Theory and Scientific Practice. Chrysostomos Mantzavinos, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
“The Chinese Peasant, 1800-1900,” Encyclopedia of Modern China, Scribners/Gale (2009)
“The Chinese Peasant and the Chinese Revolution,” Encyclopedia of Modern China, Scribners/Gale (2009)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Agency, Identity, and Purposiveness,” Social Science History Association, Long Beach, November 2009
“How High-Quality Regional Public Universities Enhance Opportunity,” Social Science History Association, Long Beach, November 2009
“Philosophy of X: How Philosophy and the Messy Social World Intersect,” Keynote, Conference on Development Ethics, Michigan State University, April 2009
“Thinking Social Ontology,” Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, Emory University, March 2009
“Autobiographical Essay,” The Philosophy of the Social Sciences: 5 Questions. Christoph Schmidt-Petri and Diego Rios, eds. (Vince Press, 2008)
"Eurasian Comparisons", Social Science History (2008)
“Development,” “Marxism,” “False Consciousness,” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences second edition (Macmillan, 2008)
Conference papers and invited papers
“The Mechanisms of Power: A Conceptual Analysis,” Social Science History Association, Miami, October 2008
“Against the Law: Comments on CK Lee”, Social Science History Association, Miami, October 2008
“Marxism and Method,” Twentieth-Century Marxism: A Global Introduction, edited by Howard Chados and David Walker (Routledge, 2007)
“Marxism and the Status of Women,” Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, edited by Fedwa Malti-Douglas (Macmillan Reference, 2007)
“Philosophy of History,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007; revised 2011; revised 2016)
Review: William Sewell, Jr., Logics of History in Journal of Social History (2007)
Conference papers and invited papers
“An Ontology of Change in Kathleen Thelen’s How Institutions Evolve,” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 2007
“The Heterogeneous Social: New Ontological Foundations for Social Explanation,” Conference on Explanation in the Social Sciences: Philosophical Theory and Scientific Practice, Herdecke, Germany, June 2007
“Agents, Structures, and Social Contingency: New Thinking About the Foundations of the Social Sciences,” Tsinghua-DDM lecture, Tsinghua University, April 2007
“Agents, Structures, and Social Contingency: New Thinking About the Foundations of the Social Sciences,” Northwest University (Xian, China), April 2007
“Epistemological Issues in Economic History,” Peking University School of Economics, April 2007
Conference papers and invited papers
“New Developments in the Chinese Social Sciences,” Conference on Mapping Difference: Structures and Categories of Knowledge Production, Duke University, June 2006
“New Approaches to the Philosophy of History,” Social Science History Association, Minneapolis, November 2006
“Philosophy of Economics,” The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia (Routledge, 2005)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Equity and Excellence from Three Points of Reference,” Diversity and Excellence in American Higher Education: The Road Ahead, Future of Minority Studies conference, June 2005
“Institutions, Inequality, and Wellbeing: Distributive Determinants of Capabilities Realization,” Conference on Ethics and Development: The Capability Approach in Practice, Michigan State University, April 2005
“Causal Mechanisms in Comparative Sociology,” Social Science History Association, Portland, OR, November 2005
“Causal Mechanisms,” “Verification,” “Explanation,” “Gini coefficient,” “Inequality measurement,” “Counterfactual,” “Endogenous Variable and Exogenous Variable” in Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao (Sage Publications, 2004)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Kin, Class and Identity: Microfoundations for Social Identities,” School of Criticism & Theory, Cornell University, June 2004
“Eurasian Historical Comparisons,” Social Science History Association, Chicago, October 2004
“Replies, Author meets critics session on The Paradox of Wealth and Poverty,” American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, March 2004
The Paradox Of Wealth And Poverty: Mapping The Ethical Dilemmas Of Global Development (Westview Press, 2003)
Conference papers and invited papers
Conference papers and invited papers
“Transportation as a Large Historical Factor,” Social Science History Association, St. Louis, October 2002
“Development Ethics: Justice, Well-being, and Poverty in the Developing World,” Center for Ethics and World Societies, Colgate University, February 2002
“Towards a Global Civil Society,” International Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April, 2003; Consular Corps of Detroit, April, 2002; Keynote address, Association for Muslim Social Scientists, Dearborn, Michigan, October 2001; International Business Forum of Detroit, February, 2002
“Social Kinds and Comparative Research,” Department of Political Science, University of Michigan, 2002
Conference papers and invited papers
“Causation in Meso-History,” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 2001 (text)
“Explaining Large-Scale Historical Change,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences (2000)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Historical Concepts, Social Ontology, Macrohistory,” Social Science History Association, Pittsburgh, October, 2000
Review: M.R. Griffiths and J. R. Lucas, Ethical Economics in Ethics (1999)
Conference papers and invited papers
Microfoundations, Method, and Causation: On the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Transaction Publishers, 1998)
“Multiple Goals in the Liberal Arts: A Reply to Joseph Wagner,” Interchange (1998)
Review: Robert D. Jenks, Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou: The “Miao” Rebellion, 1854-1873 in American Historical Review (1998)
“Equality in International Ethics: Comments on Debra Satz,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, December, 1998
Review: Lawrence B. Mohr, The Causes of Human Behavior: Implications for Theory and Method in the Social Sciences in American Journal of Sociology (1997)
Review: Forrest D. Colburn, The Vogue of Revolution in Poor Countries in Economic Development and Cultural Change (1997)
Review: Martha Nussbaum and Jonathan Glover, eds., Women, Culture and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities in Ethics and the Environment (1997)
“Recent Developments in Philosophical Marxism,” Topoi (1996)
Review: Anthony Giddens, Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought and Barry Barnes, The Elements of Social Theory in American Political Science Review (1996)
Review: Stephen Turner, The Social Theory of Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge, and Presuppositions in Ethics (1996)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Equity and Well-Being in Economic Development,” Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division (Spring 1996)
“Normative Issues in Economic Development Practice,” Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard University (Spring 1996)
On the Reliability of Economic Models: Essays in the Philosophy of Economics, editor and contributor (Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1995)
“Causal Explanation in the Social Sciences,” Southern Journal of Philosophy (Supplement, 1995)
“Is Anthropology a Science?”, Anthropology Newsletter (1995)
“Current Issues in the Epistemology of Economics” in On the Reliability of Economic Models, edited by D. Little (Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1995)
“On the Reliability of CGE Economic Models” in On the Reliability of Economic Models, edited by D. Little (Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1995)
“Philosophy of the Social Sciences,” “Ethnography, Ethnology, and Ethnomethodology” in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, edited by Robert Audi (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
Review: Odoric Wou, Mobilizing the Masses: Building Revolution in Henan in American Historical Review (1995)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Causal Explanation of Social Phenomena,” Spindel Conference in Philosophy, Memphis, October, 1995
“Microfoundations of Marxism” in Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science, edited by Michael Martin and Lee McIntyre (MIT Press, 1994)
Review: Robert M. Netting, Smallholders, Householders: Farm Families and the Ecology of Intensive, Sustainable Agriculture in Journal of Asian Studies 53:3 (1994)
Review: D. Wade Hands, Testing, Rationality, and Progress: Essays on the Popperian Tradition in Economic Methodology in Ethics 104:3 (1994)
Review: Sue Rosenberg Zalk and Janice Gordon-Kelter, eds., Revolutions in Knowledge: Feminism in the Social Sciences in Ethics (1994)
Review: Erik Olin Wright, Andrew Levine, and Elliott Sober, Reconstructing Marxism: Essays on Explanation and the Theory of History in The Philosophical Review (1994)
Review: Jean Ensminger, Making a Market: The Institutional Transformation of an African Society in Economic Development and Cultural Change (1994)
Review: Roger S. Gottlieb, Marxism 1844-1990: Origins, Betrayal, Rebirth. In Science and Society (1994)
Review: Scott Gordon, The History and Philosophy of Social Science in Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1994)
Review: Jean Oi, State and Society in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government in Economic Development and Cultural Change 42:3 (1994)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Are There Law-Like Generalizations in Political Science?”, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Fall 1994)
“The Logic of Confirmation in IR Theory,” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Spring 1994)
“Development Traps in Traditional and Modern China” in Culture, Politics, and Economic Growth: Experiences of East Asia, edited by Richard Harvey Brown (Studies in Third World Societies, 1993)
“Evidence and Objectivity in the Social Sciences,” Social Research 60:2 (1993)
“On the Scope and Limits of Generalizations in the Social Sciences,” Synthese 97:2 (1993)
Review: Kathryn Bernhardt, Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950 in American Historical Review (1993)
Review: Margaret Gilbert, On Social Facts in International Studies in Philosophy (1993)
Review: Keith Graham, Karl Marx Our Contemporary: Social Theory for a Post-Leninist World in Philosophical Books 44:3 (1993)
Review: Jeffrey L. Gould, To Lead As Equals: Rural Protest and Political Consciousness in Chinandega, Nicaragua, 1912-1979 in Economic Development and Cultural Change 41:4 (1993)
Review: James Scott, Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts in Political Theory (1993)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Causal Reasoning in IR Theory,” Seminar Paper, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Fall 1993)
“Causal Inference in Political Science,” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Spring 1993)
“Development Ethics: Normative Issues in Development,” Center for International Studies, Princeton University (Spring 1993)
“Microfoundations in the Human Sciences,” Colloquium Paper, Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University (Spring 1993)
Unpublished hypertext book manuscript: Putting the Poor First
“Jon Elster” in New Horizons in Economic Thought: Appraisals of Leading Economists, edited by Warren Samuels (Edward Elgar Publishing, 1992)
“New Perspectives on the Chinese Rural Economy,” Republican China (1992)
“Marxist Theory and Soviet Practice: Ernest Gellner's Appraisal of Contemporary Soviet Ethnography,” review essay on State and Society in Soviet Thought in Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22:2 (1992)
Review: Jorgen Delman, ed., Remaking Peasant China in Economic Development and Cultural Change 40:4 (1992)
Review: Loren Brandt, Commercialization and Agricultural Development: Central and Eastern China, 1870-1937 in Economic Development and Cultural Change 40:2 (1992)
Review: Robert Meister, Political Identity: Thinking Through Marx in Ethics (1992)
“On the Scope and Limits of Generalizations in the Social Sciences,” Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, Boston University (Fall 1992)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Generalization and Prediction in the Social Sciences,” Philosophy Colloquium, Duke University (Fall 1992)
“Food Security and Refugee Populations,” Conference on Refugee Populations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Fall 1992)
“Interest and Identity: Microfoundations for Asian Studies,” Conference on Theory in Asian Studies, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Oregon (May 1992)
“Recent Perspectives on the Chinese Rural Economy, 1885-1935,” Association for Asian Studies (April 1992)
“Interest, Class, and Identity: Theoretical Frameworks for Asian Studies,” Association for Asian Studies (April 1992)
“Poverty and Growth: Development Strategies that Favor the Poor,” Agrarian Studies Program Seminar Series, Yale University (1992)
“Generalizations and Explanation in Political Science,” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Fall 1992); Colgate University Humanities Colloquium (Fall 1992)
“Causal Mechanisms and Causal Laws,” Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (Spring 1992)
Varieties of Social Explanation (Westview Press, 1991; Persian translation, 1998; Greek translation 2014; Kindle edition, 2012; iBooks edition, 2012)
“Rational-Choice Models and Asian Studies,” Journal of Asian Studies 50 (1991)
Review: Carol Gould, Rethinking Democracy in The Philosophical Review (1991)
Review: Alison Dundes Renteln, International Human Rights: Universalism Versus Relativism in Journal of Asian Studies 50:2 (1991)
Review: Ian Forbes, Marx and the New Individual in Philosophical Books 32:4 (1991)
Review: Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Economy in Science & Society 55:2 (1991)
Review: Janice Stockard, Daughters of the Canton Delta: Marriage Patterns and Economic Strategies in South China, 1930 in Social Science Quarterly (1991)
“Reply to David Faure,” American Historical Review 96:4 (1991)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Poverty-First Strategies of Development for the Third World,” Conference on Labor Unions in Third-World Economic Development, University of California, San Diego (1991)
Review: Bernard Crick, Socialism in Ethics (1990)
Review: G. A. Cohen, History Labour and Freedom in Political Theory (1990)
“Reply to Kevin Brien,” Review of Radical Political Economics (1990)
Review: Kevin M. Brien, Marx, Reason, and the Art of Freedom in Review of Radical Political Economics (1990)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Putting the Poor First: Poverty-first Strategies of Economic Development,” Conference of SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Fellows in International Peace and Security, Budapest (1990)
“Development Traps in Traditional and Modern China,” Association for Asian Studies (1990)
“Local Politics and Class Conflict in Peasant China,” Peasant Culture and Consciousness Conference, Bellagio, Italy (1990)
“The Case for Democratic Socialism,” Boston University (1990)
Understanding Peasant China: Case Studies in the Philosophy of Social Science
“Socialist Morality: Towards a Political Philosophy for Democratic Socialism” Social Philosophy & Policy 6 (1989); also in Socialism, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul (Basil Blackwell, 1989)
“Marxism and Popular Politics: The Microfoundations of Class Struggle,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 15 (1989)
“Testing the Testers: A Reply to Barbara Sands and Ramon Myers' Critique of G. William Skinner's Regional Systems Approach to China” (coauthored with Joseph Esherick), Journal of Asian Studies 48:1 (1989)
Review: Patrick Murray, Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge in Philosophical Books 30 (1989)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Food Security, Rural Development, and International Conflict,” Conference of SSRC- MacArthur Foundation Fellows in International Peace and Security, Morelos, Mexico (1989)
“Collective Action and the Traditional Village,” Journal of Agricultural Ethics 1 (1988)
Review: Jon Elster, An Introduction to Karl Marx and Karl Marx: A Reader in Ethics 98 (1988)
“Dialectics and Science in Marx's Capital,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17:2 (1987)
“Stagnation and Surplus in Traditional Chinese Agriculture,” New England Association for Asian Studies (1987)
“Distributive Characteristics of Rural Development Strategies,” Kellogg Food and World Hunger Conference, Colgate University (1987)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Local Politics and Class Conflict: Theories of Peasant Rebellion in 19th-Century China,” New England Historical Association (1987)
“Socialist Exploitation,” American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Program (1987)
“Microfoundations of Marxism,” Southeastern Marxist Scholars Conference, Duke University (1987)
The Scientific Marx (University of Minnesota Press, 1986)
“Historical Materialism and Capital,” Topoi 5:2 (1986)
Review: Andrew Levine, Arguing for Socialism in The Philosophical Review 95:3 (1986)
“Theory versus Data in Skinner's Macroregions Argument,” Fairbank Center China Seminar Series, Harvard University (1986)
The Scientific Standing of Marx's Capital,” Review of Radical Political Economics 17:4 (1985)
“Does Marx Have a Theory of Capitalism?”, The Social Science Journal 22 (1985)
Review: James Fishkin, Beyond Subjective Morality in Ethics 96 (1985)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Methodological Individualism and Explanation in Capital,” APA Western Division Program (1985)
“Dialectics and Science in Marx's Capital,” APA Pacific Division Program (1985)
“Reflective Equilibrium and Justification,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 22 (1984)
Conference papers and invited papers
“The Scientific Standing of Marx's Capital,” APA Western Division (1984) (Society for the Philosophical Study of Marxism)
“Does Marx Have a Theory of Capitalism?”, APA Western Division (1984) (Radical Philosophy Association)
Review: C. L. Ten, Mill on Liberty in The Philosophical Review 42 (1983)
Review: David Thomas, Naturalism and Social Science in The Philosophical Review 42 (1983)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Historical Materialism and Capital,” Radical Philosophy Association (New York) (1983)
“Abstraction and Theory: Marx's Method for Social Science,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 20 (1982)
“Rationality, Ideology, and Morality in Marx's Social Theory,” Social Praxis 8 (1981)
“Countervailing Tendencies and Falsifiability in Capital,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1981)
Conference papers and invited papers
“Justification in Rawls's Theory of Justice,” Creighton Club (New York State Philosophical Society) (1981)
Review: Cecil L. Eubanks, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: An Analytical Bibliography in Clio 9:1 (1979)
Review: Alex Callinicos, Althusser's Marxism in Clio 7:2 (1978)
Review: Carl Boggs, Gramsci's Marxism in Clio 7:2 (1978)
Marx's Capital: A Study in the Philosophy of Social Science. Ph.D. dissertation, department of philosophy, Harvard University (supervisors: John Rawls, Israel Scheffler)
Introduction to Ph.D. dissertation Marx's Capital: A Study in the Philosophy of Social Science
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